- Clamp Meters
- Current Probes
- Anemometers
- Digital Multimeters
- Flexible Clamp Meters
- Ground Resistance Testers
- Temperature Calibrator
- Calibrators
- Leakage Current Testers
- Micro Ohmmeters
- Power Quality Analyzers (3-Phase)
- Power Quality Clamps (3-Phase)
- Power Quality Clamps (1-Phase)
- Programmable Power Supplies
- PV Analyzers
- Tachometers
- Thermometer/Dataloggers
- Transformer Turns Ratio Meter
Current Probes
CM-05+AC/DC Current Probe
CM-05+AC/DC Current Probe
1. Accurate DC/AC current probe for current measurement: 0~800A.
2. DC 10mA high resolution on 80A DC range.
3. AC 1mA high resolution on 8A AC range.
4. One touch zero for DCA adjustment.
5. 23mm diameter jaw.
6. Connect to an oscilloscope to observe current waveform.
7. Connect to a chart recorder/ datalogger/ DMM to record current data.
1. Accurate DC/AC current probe for current measurement: 0~800A.
2. DC 10mA high resolution on 80A DC range.
3. AC 1mA high resolution on 8A AC range.
4. One touch zero for DCA adjustment.
5. 23mm diameter jaw.
6. Connect to an oscilloscope to observe current waveform.
7. Connect to a chart recorder/ datalogger/ DMM to record current data.